Gabriel Sara is the ‘full package’ for Norwich City as they continue their march towards the Championship’s top six.

That’s according to his midfield colleague Kenny McLean, who sang the Brazilian’s praises after a crucial contribution during their 2-0 victory over Cardiff on Saturday.

Sara scored one and was influential throughout as City recorded their third consecutive Carrow Road win to push them up to 7th in the table with tests against play-off chasing rivals Millwall and Sunderland to come in the next fortnight.

The 22-year-old is flourishing under the tuition of head coach David Wagner in a refreshed midfield role and McLean believes City are reaping the benefits of his stunning form.

“We got to grips with the game after Gabby got to grips with the game,” McLean said. “He got the game by the scruff of the neck, drove us forward for the five minutes before his goal. He was really dictating it.

“Then he got his goal and it settled everyone down. That is where his game is at the minute.

“Everyone can see his ability but he is now controlling games. He’s everywhere off the ball. That was a big thing when the new manager came in and he was really drumming that into him to be more aggressive, get against people and he is doing that.

“It was just consistency with him. For me, right now, he is the full package.”

Sara has undertaken a period of adaptation to learn the language and adjust to English culture – but Wagner has found a role that extracts the very best of his qualities.

The Pink Un: Gabriel Sara opened the scoring for Norwich City against Cardiff.Gabriel Sara opened the scoring for Norwich City against Cardiff. (Image: Paul Chesterton/Focus Images Ltd)

With every passing game, his influence is growing. Sara’s current levels of performance haven’t come as a surprise for the Scot.

“He’s come over from Brazil, there are language barriers and it was so hard for him,” the experienced midfielder said.

“But he’s taken his game to a new level because he’s working so hard off the pitch and is trying to be better at every aspect of his game.

“He’s reaping the rewards and so are we as a team. It wasn’t just down to him why he wasn’t at this level earlier in the season. The whole team weren’t producing enough quality or consistency and that makes it harder for him.

“It was tough for him but I saw his quality from the first day he came into the building and now everyone else is seeing it as well.”